Kingfishers Class (Yr 1-2)

Hello, welcome to the learning page for the Kingfishers class.
Kingfishers Team

Mrs Harris (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), Mrs Simpson-Jones (Friday) - Class Teachers

Miss Carter, Mrs Williams and Mrs Stephens - Teaching Assistants

Equipment List Reminder

Reading books, reading records, water bottles and trainers to be in school daily

Monday - Come in PE kits and bring Forest School kit, spelling homework

Tuesday -  no equipment needed

Wednesday - Pantomimus day - no equipment needed

Thursday - No equipment needed

Friday - Come in PE kits

At the end of each week we will post information and photos of some of the learning we have been enjoying throughout the week on the class blog. It would be fantastic if you could share these pages with your child, perhaps over the weekend. Previous feedback has told us that this is a great starting point when talking to your child about their day in school.

If you have any questions or feedback then please get in touch as we always appreciate and value support from home.


We have had a very busy first week back. We have read, poetry, painted pictures and counted on from different numbers in maths. However, the thing that the children have most enjoyed was making chocolate apples for Bonfire Night. We will be using this activity to help us write instructions. The children were very excited to take their apples home today. Have a lovely weekend!