27th September

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What a wet week!

It hasn’t stopped Owls from having lots of fun in PE every morning this week. In groups they have tried different sports from wheelchair basketball, archery, volleyball to tag rugby.

“Volleyball was brilliant because it challenged me.”

In class we have started to explore what a sentence actually is – what does it need to be a sentence? We have used word cards, felt tip pens and counters to embed our understanding and ensure that our punctuation is accurate. In Maths, we have been working with number lines to try and find missing numbers and used the dienes and place value counters to add 1, add 10, add 100, add 1000 and also take away these amounts.

“I enjoyed finding missing numbers on the number line in Maths.”

In History we have moved to the Neolithic Age and focused on how times had changed from the Mesolithic Age. We discussed the consequences of these changes and what they have meant for humans over time. Science was all about animal skeletons – do all animals have skeletons? We explored the question, made some fact files about different animals and decided that no, they do not all have skeletons. In Art, we have continued our cave painting project by practicing drawing Stone Age people in simple form.

“I loved drawing the people from the Stone Age just how they would have in cave paintings.”

“I enjoyed learning about the Neolithic people and how they got their food.”

In RE we have continued to learn about belonging, focusing on baptism this week.  We looked at symbols of baptism and discussed why people get baptised.

What helps us to learn? This has been our learning question in PSHE. We had to draw what a nightmare school (where it's hard to learn) would look like and then a dream school (where it is easy and fun to learn). We thought about feelings, barriers and the importance of working collaboratively.