4th October

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We’ve made it to the end of week 5!

We have had another jam packed week, starting off with a golf experience. Everybody had to go to outside and learnt to hit the ball, do penguin feet and to swing the club accurately. In English this week we have completed are learning about single-clause sentences. Ask your child what each single clause sentence must have to be a single-clause sentence. Next week, we will focus on joining single-clause sentences and then diving into non-chronological reports about creatures. Spellings will be sent home on Monday - please support your child to learn them and put them into sentences. They must be returned every Monday. Maths has been full on this week too – we have compared numbers, ordered numbers and even rounded numbers to the nearest 10. Maths homework books have been sent out today. Please fill in up to 2 pages every week and return to school on a Wednesday.

PSHE this week was full of discussions and debates – what are our rights and what are our responsibilities? We looked at our new behaviour for learning policy and what positive choices we had already decided we should do in class to inform our final decisions. Our enquiry approach in Science was to research using secondary sources so we got the IPADs and found out what the main food groups were and why they are important to our bodies. We then had to work as a team to create one poster on our tables which everybody had to write something and draw something on. I gave out a lot of community leaves! In Art, we combined our previous skills to create a Stone Age scene with animals and people. I am amazed every week by Owl’s incredible art work.

In PE, we have continued to practice our netball skills. Please can we remember to bring tape in for earrings or take them out. Thank you.

Lastly, we have been trying to focus on presentation and organisation in our books. Every week I will share a WAGOLL (what a good one looks like). I'm hoping that we will get to the point where I will share lots of photos of different children's work.

Have a great weekend.