As Robin's entered the last full week of being in Reception we can't quite believe how quickly this year has gone and as the children began their transition visits it was great to see how confidently they went into Kingfishers.

As Mrs Langford and I took little looks across the Rainforest area gate to see how our Robins were getting on, we could see they were having a wonderful time not only exploring their new learning environment but also meeting 5 new class friends! When Robins returned both on Monday and Tuesday they were full of smiles and excited stories of what a wonderful time they had been having in their new classroom and how they couldn't wait to be in Year 1!

"Mrs Brown I want to be a Kingfisher!"

Whilst we are sad to be coming to the end of a very special year with Robins we know that they are now ready to take on their next adventure and couldn't be prouder of every one of them!

This week the children loved sharing their favourite animals from Dear Zoo and can't wait to finish writing what has been their favourite Talk for Writing story of the year!




                                    "I love the wiggly snake!"

                      "Mrs Brown, look at my favourite, the Giraffe!"

Robins have absolutely loved taking part in Tuesday's cooking club and this week was no exception when we decided to open our own wrap bar! The children loved slicing cucumber, ripping lettuce and cutting ham to put into their very own wraps. We overheard them saying "I love mine, it's the best wrap", "Mines delicious, I love ham!" and even those that had never tried lettuce before gave it a go before deciding whether they wanted it in their wraps or not. Cooking club has definitely been a highlight for us all!



                                           "Look at our house!"


As the week progressed Robins continued to enjoy spending time in the Rainforest and one activity that has remained a firm favourite throughout the year has always been our junk modelling area. This week the children enjoyed making a range of models and have really progressed in their model making skills, working hard to add more detail and attach additional items to their models, we could definitely have some architects amongst us!

The tail of the week saw temperatures rise and rise and rise, so there was only one way to cool down - yes, we made our very own foot pool, just to dip our toes in - can you recognise anyon'e feet?

On Friday, we started our day with a leisurely walk to St. Mary's Church for the Year 6 Leavers service - which was fantastic!

On our way back, we popped into the vilage hall to talk to the craft club. At first the Robins were a little unsure of what was going on and the people who were there but they soon warmed up, they could not stay still for long and soon they were asking questions, chatting and even having a go at some of the craft themselves - we wished we could have stayed longer.

But we couldn't stay longer as we needed to get back to school as we were in for another treat!

Mrs Croysdill brought in some of the cutest chicks....only born yesterday.

Finally, have an amazing time at the disco this evening - those of you who are going. All rest over the weekend and get ready for the beach trip on Tuesday!