Sports Day

What a busy week....NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe, Show and Tell, Mystery Reader, a broadcast on 4 Legs radio.......and of course SPORTS DAY!!!


This week we have shared NSPCC’s Speak out, Stay safe programme.

Speak out, Stay safe is a programme for children aged 5-11 which aims to help children understand abuse in all its forms and to recognise the signs of abuse. Children are taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a safe adult or Childline.

If you would like to know more about the Speak out. Stay safe. programme visit


Thank you to Aster and Aurora for their Show and Tells this week. Aster brought in a commertaive coin to share which led to an interesting discussion about the King and Queen and Aurora brought in her cuddly dog which led to an exciting discussion all about cuddly toys!!


Thank yo to Isla's Dad who read The Hospital Dog - a great read that was enjoyed by all.

4 LEGS RADIO (apprrox 34 mins in)

A few week's ago, several of our (mainly KS2 but some KS1 and EYFS) children took part in a joint music concert at Brightwalton Church. The concert was recorded and broadcast this morning on the Yabber Yabber Show - you may want to take a listen

and finally....SPORTS DAY

We ran, we jumped, we balanced an egg, we cheered, we smiled, we laughed and we were ALL AMAZING......just a few pictures of the fantastic day

Have a good weekend and see you all on Monday