Week 5 Term 6

As we started this week we all had one question on our minds....where has Summer gone??? The sun had disappeared but we certainly didn't let that dampen our enthusiasm for learning and we were soon outside creating delicious drinks, from peach tea to fizzy lemonade!

        Look Mrs Brown, if I mix it really fast it's going to make it fizzy!

                       We loved exploring the trees this week!

        Look at us climbing up and over the branches, it was so much fun!

We had lots of fun collecting sticks and pretending to build a fire, ready for our Berry soup!


For cooking club this week we made cucumber and soft cheese rice cakes! This week were focusing on practising our knife skills by using a knife to both cut and spread!

Robins were super at using their knife to carefully cut pieces of cucumber and then gently spread their soft cheese across the rice cake before putting it all together. Although they didn't get to eat it straight away they did get to eat any left over cucumber that they'd cut!

At story time Robins enjoyed tucking into their rice cake snack whilst listening to the very appropriate story of The Tiger who came to tea! 

Despite us not having wall to wall sunshine we still need to keep on top of watering our plants, and luckily there's always a Robin on hand to help us make sure the job gets done!

In Art we loved creating our very own insect collages. The children enjoyed selecting different coloured paper to decorate their chosen insect and discussed which insect they had chosen.

Look how colourful our collages are!

Dear Zoo...

As the week continued so did our Dear Zoo journey, this time we were sent a lion, camel and even a snake! Did we want any of them? Of course not!  Our journey for the perfect pet will have to continue next week!

To support Robins with getting ready for Sports Day we did our very own Mini Sports Day practice with the children running the 3 main races; egg and spoon, sprint and hurdles! All of Robins were very excited to be up on the field and see what Sports Day would look like and with the help our our Sports Leaders we were off, across the field and over the hurdles! It was a close run race and we were super impressed with how the Robins showed endurance and didn't give up, even if one of their hurdles came down...what super stars!

We then had a go at the egg and spoon race, ready...steady....go and they were off! We'd set the scene that slow and steady wins the race and with only a few eggs bouncing off Robins impressed us with their balancing skills and showed us that they were more than ready to take on the challenge next week!

As we entered our final race, it was time for speed to take over and the children loved running as fast as they could but they also just enjoyed cheering each other on and having fun together! 

We can't wait to all take part in Sports Day together next Tuesday and we know that Robins will continue to show the endurance and friendship that they showed us this week during our mini sports day practice! Go Robins!

What a busy week we've had, from continuing our Dear Zoo story to practising PE skills ready for Sports Day next week!

We can't wait to see as many of you as possible at the school summer fair tomorrow between 12noon and 3pm! 

Next week we also have our Sports Day on Tuesday 9th July, with gates opening for parents at 10.20am, you are very welcome to come and watch for as much or as little of the day as you are able to with lunch from 12pm till 1pm where you will be able to have a picnic with your child. Afternoon races will begin from 1pm till 2.30pm! 

Have a lovely weekend!