10th Jan 25
Happy New Year! We hope that you all had a lovely Christmas. What a cold start to January it has been but the children have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities that a little bit of snow can bring!
In Literacy this week, the children found out about the life cycle of a butterfly, learning new vocabulary - larva, pupa, chrysalis and cocoon. They watched a video about what happens. The children then went on to hear the story of "The Hungry Caterpillar". They have had a go starting to learn the story off by heart. Maybe they could try and tell you the story. The children will be writing their own versions of "The Hungry Caterpillar" over the next few weeks.
In maths the children have been working on addition. They have been understanding how knowing their pairs of numbers that make ten can really help them. Please do help your child with learning these at home, both addition and subtractions. For example 6 + 4 = 10 and 10 - 4 = 6. The children have been learning about patterns when adding ones to a tens number. For example, if we know 13 + 7 = 20, we know 23 + 7 = 30 and 33 + 7 = 40 etc.
In art the children were introduced to using soft pastels. They had great fun seeing how they could make different patterns and marks with the pastels and how they could use their fingers to smudge / blend the colours. It was rather messy but the children loved it!
In science the children found out about different animal groups. They were introduced to the words reptile, amphibian, bird, mammal and fish. The children then had to sort pictures of animals into the correct group. The children enjoyed looking at pictures of different animals and using words to describe them. A bird has feathers and a beak, a fish lives in water and has fins.
The children have worked very hard with their phonics. Year 1 have been learning some new spelling rules. These will be explained on their weekly spelling sheet which will start coming home again on Monday. The spellings can then be returned in their spelling folders the following Monday. Year two had the opportunity to take their phonics outside in the snow. They had a go spelling words using a twig as a pencil!
What a fantastic first week back we've had and before we knew it, it was Friday!
To start our Friday off we dived straight into a new area of Maths.....measure and we loved it! Kingfishers really enjoyed working together in pairs to use non-standard forms of measurements to measure items around the classroom, from pencils to board rubbers, glue sticks to even our pom pom jar, the list was endless! We even had a go at making comparisons between the lengths of the objects, which although a bit tricky at first we really showed courage and determination with!
As the day progressed we were ready to warm up inside and settle down to our 'show and tell' and the first week back after Christmas certainly didn't disapppoint, in fact we got off to a flying start!
Our first person wowed us with one of their favourite story books, 'The Diary of a Wimpy Kid-Hot Mess!'- "I bought it when it was brand new because I love reading it at night time, it sends me to sleep!"
We loved hearing all about where the book was bought from and was wowed by our readers favourite page in the book, which also happened to be the funniest picture they could find! What a great way to start show and tell in 2025!!!!
Next up were in for a treat, no-one could have predicated what was coming next........we were shown a very rare sight indeed, our Kingfisher had brought in a four leaf clover that had been gifted to them!!
We were also told all about a Kingfishers new 7 month old puppy called 'Chewy' who sounds rather adorable but we were also informed by our Kingfisher that "He slobbers all over me!" Some us did wonder whether he was chewy because he lives to chew things, which we thought was probably true! Either way he sounded very cute, what a lovely start to the New Year!
We ended our week with our PE lesson whereg we started learning the rules and skills of Tag Rugby! All of Kingfishers wowed us with their listening skills but also with their ability to pick up the rules of the game so quickly an Mr Richardson was very impressed with them all.
As we put on our belts and our tags we were soon ready to begin running and dogging through the cones, could we get to the end without being caught?
Then it was time to run for a try! Great work Kingfishers, what a way to end the week.....Have a fantastic weekend!