11th Oct 24
There is so much that the children should be proud of this week. In literacy the children completed their own stories of "The Three Little Wolves And The Big Bad Pig" by Eugene Trivizas. We have lots of super authors in our class with some amazing ideas!
In maths the children have been learning about fact families for pairs of numbers that make 10. They enjoyed working with a partner to see what other facts they could come up with if they knew one fact. They then extended their learning with pairs that made 20.
The children were also able to finish their collages this week. We had sketched the trees outside, we had painted them and finally we added collage materials to them. Some children then decided to continue developing this skill during their own independent learning time which was lovely to see.
Next week we have a couple of exciting things to look forward to. We are going on our trip to the art gallery and we have Harvest Festival.
Have a lovely weekend!
All the team in Kingfishers