14th Feb '25

Where has the term gone? We can't believe it is half term next week! This week the children have been very proud of their achievements - finishing poems, finishing portraits of teddy bears, what a lot we have a done.

Have a look at the children's teddy bear / cuddly toy portraits. The children used the style of Sonia Boyce. Her pictures are often of family members and have colourful backgrounds. She also uses soft pastels. The children have developed their skills of using soft pastels this term. We think you will agree these portraits look amazing!


In maths, the children in Year 1 have been learning how to find the difference between two numbers by counting back. They have also done some more work on fact families. If we know 16 + 4 = 20, we know 4 + 16 =  20, 20 - 16 = 4 and 20 - 4 = 16. Year 2 have continued thinking about adding and subtracting. They have been comparing number sentences, for example, 23 + 7 > 23 + 6. They have been looking at the ones numbers to see if they actually need to work the problem out or whether they could reason which sign you need between two number sentences - <, > or =.

In Literacy this week the children completed their poems. We hope you have enjoyed reading them when you have looked at their books this week. They had some super ideas! Year 1 have also been learning about exclamation marks and that how we say a sentence can help us think about whether or not we would put an exclamation mark at the end. Year 2 have been thinking about conjunctions - words used for joining sentences. They had to decide which word - and, or, but, would link the ideas in a sentence together.

In science, we have continued thinking about sorting and grouping certain animals together. The children worked in pairs and groups on different activities. In pairs they had to circle the odd animal out in a group and explain why it was the odd one out. In groups they then had some statements to read about different animals. They discovered that the common word in all the statement was "eat" so they had to create three groups to sort their statements into. They labelled the groups - omnivores, herbivores and carnivores. It was lovely to hear statements such as "That one is the odd one out because it is a mammal. All the other ones are birds."

And just like that it was Friday...........

As we arrived at the end of the week we couldn't quite believe that we had reached the end of Term 3! One thing was for sure though, Kingfishers were all ready for a week's break and as they all came excitedly into school, some dressed in their PE kit and some dressed in their pj's, they were ready to take on the last day of term!

The day began as any Friday in Kingfishers does with a Danny Go! We were warmed up and ready to go, the Ice King had been caught and it was time to move onto our Maths! This week we took our measuring to the next level or should I saw measurement! Moving onto 'metres' we were introduced to the metre stick! 

Which is longer a metre (m) or a centimetre (cm)?

We then used what we had learnt about 'm' and 'cm' to find objects around the classroom that we would either measure using a metre stick or a ruler, Kingfishers were great at this! Once we had done this we started solving some measuring problems!

Why not have a go at these?

     The dinosaur is ...... m tall




After break it was time for our reading comprehension practice and this week we showed how practice really does make perfect! Kingfishers are showing how important it is to keep practicing reading comprehensions and are now able to independently answer questions, building their confidence week on week and tackling trickier questions as the weeks go on....we are so impressed Kingfishers, keep it up!

With the term coming to an end it was also time for Geography to come to an end and this week we were showcasing all those map skills that we have been learning! This topic we have been exploring compass points and exploring how to not only read but also follow a map as well as exploring what features maps have so today was the day that we created our very own map! 

It was also not any old map but a map of our school playground! With set areas to include; the playground, field, adventure playground, running track, Red Kites outside area and an area showing where the school building was we knew what we needed to do, but we also needed to ensure that we included a key so those who read our map knew what each of the colours meant!

Kingfishers carefully marked out each area, thinking about the size of the different areas.....



Was the field bigger than the playground?



Was the Adventure playground smaller than Red Kites outside area?



Where did the playground stop?


It was almost time for movie night but before we got into our PJ's it was time to get into our PE kits, dust off our trainers and get moving, it was of course time for Tag Rugby! 

The sun was shining so this week we were back on the field and despite it being a little bit chilly we were ready to go....with spare shoes packed we didn't let the mud hold us back and we were soon practicing our passing skills, just look at how fantastic our throwing and defending skills are!

It was soon time to try for a try! As we ran towards the line we needed to remember not to run in front of our partner and pass the ball pocket to rocket......

and then run for a try....look at us go!

What a better way to finish than to play a game of TAG! Who could get the most Tags in the team?

What a wonderful way to end Term 3! We can't quite believe that soon we will be waving goodbye to Winter and welcoming in Spring! Kingfishers are continuing to make such wonderful progress so keep reading over half term and also enjoy some family time!

We look forward to seeing you all back on Monday 24th February when we will be looking forward to hearing about all your half term adventures!

Have fun!

                          And the most Tags go to.....