17th Jan 25

The children have a had a very busy week learning lots of new things. They should all be very proud of themselves.

In maths this week we have had a focus on addition. We have been thinking about how if we have 8 + 5, we can change this to thinking about it as 10 + 3. The children have used tens frames and counters to support themselves with this concept. For 8 + 5 they would put 8 counters in one colour on one tens frame and 5 counters in another colour on another tens frame. Some counters from the "5" would then be moved over to fill the first tens frame, therefore making 10. The children could then easily add on 3. This concept really relies on the children knowing their pairs of numbers that make ten. This is such an important skill in Key Stage One. 



Year 2 have carried on thinking about how if we know 5 + 5 = 10, we know 15 + 5 = 20 and 25 + 5 = 30 etc. They have also thought about this as subtraction. If we know 10 - 5 = 5, we know 20 - 5 = 15, 30 - 5 = 25, 40 - 5 = 35 etc.  Have a go asking your children some questions at home. 


In Literacy the children have been planning their own versions of "The Hungry Caterpillar". The children have thought up some lovely different ideas for what their hungry caterpillar will eat - pizza, crab! What imaginative children we have. 

In science the children have been comparing different animals from the main animal groups that they learnt last week - mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. The children have been told that "comparing" means thinking about what is the same and what is different. The children enjoyed talking to their partner and discussing what was the same and what was different about two birds within the "bird" group of animals. All birds have wings and beaks but not all birds can fly. 

In P.S.H.E the children are currently thinking about dreams and goals. As a class the children wanted to learn how to draw a teddy bear. We talked about the different steps for reaching this goal. First, the teacher would need to show the children how to draw a teddy bear by following some instructions. Then, the children would need to have a go. The children would then need to practise so that they get to know how to draw a teddy bear without needing to follow the instructions. The children tried very hard!

We had once again reached the end of another busy week in Kingfishers and it was time to put our phonics knowledge into practice! This we had been learning about the different ways the 'n' sound in words can be spelt; 

            n                      nn                  kn                     gn

We have also been exploring how the and sound at the beginning of words is sometimes silent and used our kn and gn cards to show which one we thought was at the beginning of the following words: gnome, know and gnat.....

As the day continued Kingfishers loved talking about the geographical features of where they live in our Geography lesson, coming up with lots of different ideas from both natural and man-made constructions. We discussed the difference between a town and a village and explored what features were near to where we lived and which ones were further away. 

As Kingfishers wrote about their local area they included information about their house, thinking carefully about what they saw when we went on our welly walk before Christmas!

A Friday in Kingfishers can only mean one thing, it's time for PE and this week it was time to take our new Tag Rugby skills to the next level or in our case up onto the field!

It was cold, it was muddy but we didn't let that effect our game, this week Mr Richardson split us into small teams to practice our throwing skills, teaching us how to throw using the sentence.....


With this in mind we learnt to run with the ball, holding it with two hands at all times and then throw the ball to our team mates, POCKET TO ROCKET!

Kingfishers then continued to practice passing the ball, but this time once they had passed it all the way along the line the last player had to run to the first cone and each play moved up simulating what it would be like if they were running whilst throwing a ball in a rugby match. 


To finish our Rugby lesson Kingfishers enjoyed playing as 2 teams and throwing their ball onto the other teams side, the team with the least balls on their side at the end won!

I can honestly say I've never seen so many Rugby balls flying through the air at one time, what a way to end to our Friday! Have a fantastic weekend and we will see you all next week!