24th Oct '24

We have made it to the end of the first term! Well done to all the children in Kingfishers! They have definitely "lived life in all its fullness". This week the children wrote some lovely recounts about our visit to The Base in Greenham last week. The children tried hard to use their sequencing words first, next, then, after that and finally in their writing.

In maths we have been thinking about our doubles. The children have had a go at learning a marching song to help them remember these facts. The children were then introduced to near doubles, for example 3 + 4 = ? We know double 3, so we just add 1 more. 

Forest School was great fun. The children enjoyed climbing trees, splashing in the mud, looking for fungi, climbing through a gigantic web and having a go at making sparks in preparation for lighting fires. Have a look at the photos below.

In science the children carried out an investigation to see which would be the best material for making a new crown for the Paper Bag Princess. This is a story by Robert Munsch. We read the story and found out that the princess ended up wearing a paper bag dress so we wanted to know which material would be best to make a matching crown - white paper, brown paper or card. We carried out a fair test putting the same size piece of paper or card in the same amount of water and then timed the materials in the water for two minutes. We then investigated the paper and card to see what happened. The children discovered that card would be better in the rain for the princess than paper as it is stronger and thicker. 

When we come back after the holidays, the children can look forward to designing and making a cardboard crown. They will then be learning how to write instructions for making their crown.

Thank you for all your support with reading and spellings this term.

Have a lovely half term.

All the staff in Kingfishers