31st Jan 25
We can't believe we have back at school for four weeks. Where has that time gone? This week we have started our new literacy block. We are doing poetry. This week the children were introduced the poem "Who lives here?" by Moira Andrew. We talked about what some of the words meant such as "damp" and "oak". The children had a go reading the poem as a class, helping each other to work out any tricky words. Then they read the poem with a friend, taking it in turns to read the verses. Some children were then brave enough to read the poem to the rest of the class!
In maths, we have continued working on our addition. We have used base 10 to help us understand how we can "exchange" ten ones for a ten when we are adding two numbers together. It is much easier then to see how much we have then got as a total.
In PSHE we have been thinking about "goals and dreams" these past few weeks. This week the children had to work in small groups to reach an end goal. They had to design a magical bird for a magical garden. Each group managed to create their magical bird. We learnt how important it is to work together, listen to each other's ideas and all have a part to focus on. Imagine if these beautiful birds were flying around!
In science we have continued to think about herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. This week the children had to imagine that they could have three pets. One had to be a herbivore, one had to be carnivore and one had to be an omnivore. Can your children remember these words? The children then had to decide what they would feed these animals. Would you like a camel or a fox as a pet? Your children would!
As we rolled into Friday the rain had clear away by the time school had started and we were ready for not only the final day of the week but also the last day of January! We couldn't believe it, we had already complete one month into 2025, the year of the snake!
This week we started our day with another of our favourite activities- Danny Go and this week's didn't disappoint! 'Sharks in the water' had us ducking and diving from left to right and finally we had made it, we had the golden sharks tooth! Now we had warmed up both our bodies and our brains we were ready to get started and we were straight into Maths and before we knew it, it was playtime!
Despite the rather cloudy and damp conditions Kingfishers made the playground light-up with their own training circuit! From balancing to hopping between the hoops, they carefully made their way across, building upon their ideas and calling words of encouragement as they made their way across, it was such a lovely sight to see!
Once we were back in the warm it was time for Phonics and this week we all enjoyed our 1 minute challenge- how many times could we write the word in a minute?
This week we practiced 'her' and 'they', it was quite tricky but the winning amounts were 21 for 'her' and 23 for 'they'! Impressive!
Why not keep practicing at home?
Have a go as a family- who can write the words 'her' and 'they' the most in 1 minute?
It was then time for Geography and this week we all shared our favourite place in the school grounds, for some of us this brought wonderful members of times from the past spent in Robins building dens in the outside area and for others their favourite places were based around more recent memories build around playing football on the field or spending time eating in the hall!
The children then found the places on the map and began describing how you could get there! Next week we will use our compass directions to direct a new person to our favourite place!
Firstly thank you for bringing in spare shoes this week for Tag Rugby, our carpets definitely appreciated it so please continue to do this each week!
In Tag Rugby this week we started off by playing a defence game with 2 defenders and 4 teams, the aim of the game was for each team to run 1 at a time and try and get a rugby ball from the middle without the defenders tagging us.....
Just look at us go!
Once we had practiced our defending skills we then practiced working in a team and running together! It was quite tricking learning how to make sure we stayed in a line and followed at the same pace as the leader!
Once we had shown that we could run together as a team we then passed the ball along the line remembering....pocket to rocket!
What better way to end the day but with a show and tell that took us back to Halloween! This week our 'tell' was all about a tricky that made our Kingfisher into a Zombie! Luckily the 'brain' that our Kingfisher had to eat was only a sweet brain..phew! This was a game that her Aunt made up and it was so much fun that she said she would definitely play it again!
We love hearing all about the exciting things you've been up to so if it's your turn for Show and Tell next week don't forget to either bring something special in or come and tell us about something!
Just a few reminders for next week:
- Tuesday is our Dance workshop so please could Kingfishers wear their PE kits to school- this is going to be a really exciting chance for us to be taught by our Dance teacher who runs the after school club!
- Friday is Number Day so don't forget to come dressed with Maths in mind! From playing cards, Number blocks, shapes, a ruler, times tables, the list is endless!
- We are now changing library books first thing on a Friday morning so don't forget to bring back the library book that you got today next Friday!
Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week!