6th Oct

Introducing Rascal...
Owls were incredibly excited to meet Rascal, our new school dog!
Everyone has done a great job caring for him and showing him love - well done everyone!
Mrs Chapman has had a busy time with Owls this week...
In History, we have been focusing on the Romans. In class we have discussed how we find out about the past and explored what early Rome was like. The children discovered methods and tactics the Roman army used and what made them so powerful. Next we are going to find out about how Britain tried to resist the Roman empire.
In PSHE, we use Gino to talk and share together. This week were talking about achievements we have had and goals we would like to fulfil next year. If they come true we could have a prima ballerina and an Olympic swimmer for the future!
In RE, our focus has been Hinduism. The children have explored the three main symbol of Hinduism and some of the deities that from part of one supreme God. This week we enjoyed reading stories about the different deities. Next week we will focus on how Hindus worship God.
For our times tables we play games outside and in class, work through booklets and chant as a class. We have focused on the 3 times tables the last few weeks and some of us have even worked on the divisions that relate to the times tables. Please keep practising at home.