Fri 19th April
Welcome back to the summer term (and some sunshine!)
Please have a look at the information about Monday's meeting with a focus on sleep....
Another busy start to a new term in Owls this week.
Our opportunity for swimming lessons has finally arrived!
We were challenged this week with our movement in the water, swimming strokes, ability to float and pool side safety.
Next week we'll be moving into our lesson groups to focus on our swimming skill progress.
Our new text challenged us on the very first page, with a new word for many of us, 'botany'.
However many children rose to the challenge of independent research to find out the meaning, and help us in our understanding.
We're looking forward to reading more about 'The Mystery of the Golden Wonderflower' written and illustrated by Benjamin Flauw.
Our previous learning about fractions and decimals has now helped our understanding of amounts of money being written as decimal numbers. We remembered and discussed so much about money, such as; coins, notes, price, buying, change, bank, cash, credit and card.
A new KS2 money Super Mover inspired our thinking too...