Fri 19th July
Our local walk was in the delightful summer sunshine.
We made our way out of school, past Pre-school, along the pathways towards the River Lambourn.
Rascal was an entertainment to us all, with his jumping in and swimming to his post river shakes!
We enjoyed a cooling ice-lolly while discussing the river vocabulary we had been learning. Remembering the bed, banks, flood plain, channel, source, tributary and mouth as key words and features of a river.
We were also reminded of our current text, 'Wind in the Willows' and the animal characters within the story.
What a treat to listen in to the amazing musical talents of our drummers!
Some really super rhythm and tunes.
Well done everyone who took part.
Our PSHE learning has continued into this week. We have focused on 'changing me' and the changes that can or do happen as we grow up.
We introduced and discussed the word 'puberty' and considered changes that happen to the outside of girls and boys bodies during this time of change. So changes happen to everyone, such as feet growing bigger and hair growing under arms. Where as other changes happen to just girls or boys. We organised some changes statements and discussed our thinking and understanding
Our thinking was then challenged to consider which changes we can control, and which we can't, during puberty.