Fri 1st March
Did you know....
William Shakespeare wrote hundreds of poems, over 30 plays and was an actor too?
We've researched this famous writer using film, reports and books. Finally, after planning, writing, editing and reviewing, our non-chronological reports have been published....
After finding out about Tudor portraits last week, and the famous artist Hand Holbein the Younger, we've thought carefully about our own sketching skills. Today we were challenged to sketch out own hands, and then our facial features too! We looked carefully and thought about the shapes and lines we could see and then also the details and tone too.
Our second music festival rehearsal is next Thursday, with the concert being just over 2 weeks away!
Please do keep on singing and running through the words to our jungle themed songs.
There have been multiples comments this week about the wonderful sound of Owl's singing in our class this week!