Fri 22nd March

Junior Music Festival
Rainforest Rumble
After months of preparation and rehearsals the performance day finally arrived!
We met the Berkshire Music team, and 12 other school groups at the Hexagon for a final run through of the songs and actions we had been learning, before our evening performance.
Thank you to all our friends and family that came to support us in the audience. It was great to see smiling faces enjoying the concert. We LOVED the experience! And the songs and memories will stay with us for a very long time!
If parents of children who attended would like to enter the JMF choir opportunity, the QR code photo is the link to use.
In class, William Shakespeare's, 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' has been read, story mapped, rewritten, watched and finally record as playscripts.
We've enjoyed exploring the story in different ways, and were very enthusiastic to rehearse parts of the story in groups using our own playscripts!
This week we have revisited the NSPCC PANTS message.
We remembered the PANTS song....
The Pantosaurus Song! | #TalkPANTS | NSPCC - YouTube
Then we reminded ourselves of the meaning behind the PANTS acronym....
P - privates are private
A - always remember your body belongs to you
N - no means no
T - talk about secrets that upset you
S - speak up someone can help
After that we went on to consider different types of touch (caring, hurtful, friendly, accidental, personal space and inappropriate) and whether they were safe or unsafe. If we felt something was unsafe we were then able to share who our trusted adults are, that we can talk to and ask for help.