13th September
We have survived the first week back!
Owls have been extremely busy this week. In English we have focused on verbs – being verbs, to have verbs and regular action verbs. The children have been incredible good at finding verbs and verb phrases in different sentences. In Maths we have been exploring partitioning of 3 digit numbers and counting in thousands. Our focus for Science has been bones! Why not ask your child where the ulna bone is! We travelled back to the early and middle Stone Ages in History and used artefacts and pictures to find out what life was like. In preparation of creating cave paintings, this week in Art we explored earth tones of different media to see which would make the most effective cave painting. In RE we discussed belonging and how it made us feel to be part of a group. I didn’t realise we had so many sporty children in Owls – hockey, rugby, football and gymnastics to name a few.
It has been an amazing week and Owls have earned several pompoms for trying their best, being kind, working as a team and being respectful. Quite a few community leaves have been given to children this week too.
Well done Owls :-)