24th October
What a week!
Owls have been amazing as we have concluded some big projects this week. In English we have finally been able to write our non-chronological reports about our fictional dragons. We used all the necessary features and were even able to edit one sentence by adding extra information for our reader. The reports are absolutely fantastic and I am proud of every single owl for their effort and determination. I hope they have told you all about them.
In Reading we used the skills practiced over the last few weeks to answer questions about an unseen text about ‘The Great Fire of London’. The children were incredible and were able to apply all the skills. In Maths we have started to move on to addition and subtraction so the place value counters and dienes were definitely a big part of our learning this week.
In History we have nearly finished learning about life in the Stone Age to Iron Age. Our focus this week was about hillforts. I wonder if your child can tell you what they are? In Science we learned the names and functions of all the types of teeth. Can you name all 5? Our other big project was to finally create our cave paintings. We used all the skills learned over this term to create some Stone Age scenes of people and animals. The children needed to persevere because their pictures were very fiddly to cut out and then stick to their textured ‘wall’.
Have a happy, restful half term Owls.