12th Jan

Welcome back to school and thank you for visiting our blog! We hope you have had a restful break and ready to start the new year.
It has been a fun week back together in Red Kites. Today the children set some excellent goals:
'I want to try my hardest to prepare for SATS.'
'I want to improve my handwriting and become more mature.'
'I would like to feel more confident with the year 5/6 statutory spellings words'
Gymnastics and netball
We stretched our way into Monday morning starting with gymnastics and finished our week with our first netball lesson! There was some great attacking and defending while we develop our ball skills.
Despite the cold, we made it outside to choose something to sketch and develop our skills.
In History we have started learning about the Anglo Saxons. We have been exploring what happened as The Roman Empire fell and the impact this had on Britannia. Ask your children when in History the Anglo Saxon era was! In English we have been reading our new book 'Winter of the Wolves' by Tony Bradman to develop our fluency and comprehension. We have met many new characters and even set a fun challenge in our writing today to refer to all of them! One child took the challenge on by using commas in a list to refer to them whilst others mentioned them through using a range of different sentence structures.
In maths we have jumped straight into equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions. We are stepping up our recall fluency for our arithmetic skills.
Have a lovely weekend, see you on Monday - with homework books and reading records, please!
Thank you for your continued support,
Red Kites Team