12th July

12 Jul 24
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WOW! What a week!


Sports Day

Sports Day was a wonderful day where the Red Kites shone brightly. Our sports leaders did an amazing job leading the day through delivering an exhilarating warm up, outlining the rules and encouraging everyone. Red Kites set a great example and were supportive and helpful to the rest of the school. Well done for all of your encouragement, endurance and stamina!



Visit from our local PCSO

On Monday we were visited by our local PCSO's who delivered an informative session to Red Kites around online safety and the impact cyber bullying can have. Please see the advice for parents below.


The stage is up, the costumes are ready, it's time to perform!

Monday: Dress rehearsal

Tuesday 1:30pm: Performance 1

Wednesday 6pm: Performance 2

Please please please help your children to practise their lines, cues, song words and actions over the weekend and encourage them to bring character to their role, to ensure they are as confident as possible for our performances!

We are so excited for next week!

Thank you for your continued support,

Red Kites Team