15th March

Go! Go! Cross Country Go!
This week KS2 took part in West Berkshire and North Hampshire Primary School Cross Country Championship. The children who participated did so well and we are super proud of them! They showed great stamina and kindness - supporting each other! Well done!
"It was fun but exhausting"
"It’s a worthy challenge of stamina and I am proud of what I achieved"
"It was encouraging to see and hear everyone cheering us on!"
We would also like to congratulate the Girls Team who competed in the local schools Football Competition! A great team effort was shown!
We have been glued to our reading this week! The children have been eager to find out more about the characters, the history of the plot. Some excellent informed predictions have been made! We are writing non-chronological reports on The Yellow Spotted Lizard and next week the children will be able to choose their own animal to research and write about!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Thank you for all of your contributions to Red Nose Day. This has been a great example of how we have helped to make the world a better place.
Red Kites Team