17th May


We are so proud of the year 6 children who have completed their SATs! Wow! Well done!

We have started each day with a special breakfast club.

Our celebration day has been wonderful and well deserved too! The children each made a mallet - we saw great sawing, whittling and battening skills. We then created shelters and worked in groups to build a fire and cook on it! We had a delicious lunch!

See below for more photos

Year 5's have had a busy week publishing their newspaper reports and applying their knowledge of decimals to practical challenges. Thank you to Mrs Wilson and Mrs Chrimes!


In French, the children learnt how to describe the weather. They presented their forecasts to the class! This meant they could also practise saying their numbers in french - keep learning them at home too!

Wishing you all a restful weekend,

See you next week for our final week before half term. 

Don't forget that on Thursday we will be visiting the Gurdwara.

Take care,

Red Kites