17th Nov

Ancient Greece Free write
This week, Red Kites have shown fantastic progress through their writing. We used a video stimulus this week based on Ancient Greece and the children chose their text type. We had a range of newspaper reports, adventure narratives and poems based on Greek myths that we have been learning. The children have been learning to use a range of sentence structures including using parenthesis to add detail and engage their reader. Each day we have been learning and recapping new vocabulary and the children have used it in their writing today! Wow! Ask them if they can remember the words: toiled, tethered, shingle, voyage, sanctuary.
Key Stage 2 Worship
This week our wonderful worship leaders delivered an important message in support of Anti-Bullying week. The children explored The Bible story of The Good Samaritan and welcomed both Owls and Red Kites to reflect on when they have helped someone. They went through strategies to use to show compassion and 'make noise'.
Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses
As we learn more about Odysseus and his adventures in English we are continuing to learn the history of the Gods and Goddesses and how this was represented through history. The children have created some excellent fact files
Starry night
The effort that has gone into developing our brush strokes and confidence painting with watercolour is impressive! Well done for these beautiful paintings!
Alternative Olympics
We are so proud of the children who represented Red Kites this week at the Alternative Olympics competition that was held at St Barts. Congratulations for winning GOLD! The children had great fun taking part in archery, boccia and many other activities. They showed great teamwork and celebrated the successes of other schools. Mrs Withers and Miss Oram were very impressed!
Times Tables
We are having a big push on times tables in Red Kites - Please help your children to become fluent at instant recall of all times tables and division facts. This knowledge is essential to support the children's learning in multiplication, division and fractions which we have started this term.
This can be done through chanting, singing, verbal recall or writing it down. The children all have log in details for Times Tables Rockstars and Purple Mash which are great platforms for practising times tables. The children have also enjoyed singing along to videos in school: BBC Supermovers and Youtube.
Winter Fayre
We look forward to seeing you at the Winter Fayre on Saturday 11am - 3pm.
Thank you for your continued support and have a great weekend.