23rd Feb

Welcome back to Spring Term 2 in Red Kites
It has been a busy and delightful week in Red Kites as we delved into our new book in English - Holes by Louis Sachar. The children are gripped as we learn about Stanley and his journey to Camp Green Lake. We reminded ourselves of the importance of practising reading aloud so that we can read with fluency and expression helping our comprehension to develop. The children wrote fantastic setting descriptions including using impressive language and techniques. The children had a challenge to describe an image that their partner could not see using prepositional language and well chosen adjectives. It was good fun and helped greatly to inspire their writing. Mrs Stephenson commented on the impressive use of metaphors when children shared their writing with her! Well done Red Kites.
Kindness Hearts
Recently across the school we have noticed that at times, we forget to show simple kindness to others. This week we have started to hand out Kindness Hearts which represent showing kindness, politeness and manners. Already there has been a great difference in the atmosphere at school and Red Kites have been working hard to set a great example to the rest of the school. I wonder if this can be noticed and recognised at home as well!
If you can be anything, be kind.
The children have been thinking about their goals. What they want to achieve whether this be at home or at school. This week we looked at the steps to get there, what we need to do to make sure we strive to meet those goals and how we can do that. Many of the children shared that better sleep helps; improving the quality of sleep, or routines that help us sleep in order to feel more energised and focussed in school. We talked about strength that can help us achieve our goals which might look like support from family and friends. The children reflected that setting goals really helps to be more determined.
What a fantastic first yoga session. Unfortunately I have not been able to upload the photos I took due to a missing cable but I will share them next week. The children enjoyed their practice and holding positions while saying positive affirmations. We ended with a relaxing shavasana and gave thanks to our bodies and minds for being so amazing! We look forward to yoga on Tuesdays and a mixture of dodgeball/benchball/netball on Fridays.
This week we started learning all about North America. Please ask your children if they can remember how many countries are in N.America and to try and name them! Everyday, we challenge ourselves to recall facts that we have learnt or are learning.
Thank you
Thank you to all parents for your continued support with your child's learning, both academic, socially and emotionally. Your children are making such great progress in all these areas and it's a real delight to be a part of. Those things that help:
- attendance
- keeping in touch with school and teachers (updates of anything that might help your child to have a better day in school)
- homework support and encouragement (reading, maths facts, talking about school)
Wishing you all a lovely weekend,
Red Kites Team