24th May

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GMG Gurdwara 


We learnt so much and built on our previous knowledge of Sikhism. The children learnt the the internal and external meanings of the 5K's - this brought some deep talks and concepts to our minds. The children showed great respect as they entered the prayer hall to see the scriptures and enjoyed dahl and roti as part of the langar. There is an amazing historical art gallery there which is open on Sundays to the public. We highly recommend a visit!

'I liked the Art gallery where we learnt about the Gurus, also the langaar was really nice and I liked the kindness of their heart to share their food. I would practise simrun.' 

'I liked the fact that they were kind and they would stand up for anyone, even non sikhs. I also admire that they have a kirpan but don't use it. It is a reminder to stand up to injustive. I would practise using the 5K's as a uniform' 

I liked the idea that everybody is equal and treated equally. I also liked that they accept anyone to enter the Gurdwara including homeless people and other people, and they can stay for as long as they wish. I also liked that they gave food to everybody there. The Gurdwara felt welcoming and safe' 

'I liked the internal and external meaning of the kara because if you're in a bad place and are about to do something with your dominant hand it's there to remind you to not do it' 

'I like the equality of the religion that you could find it every part of their lifestyle for example both men and women covered their hair, everyone ate on the floor and even the paintings represented the sikhs belief in equality. I would consider practising sewa.' 



We continue to look for adult support on a Tuesday afternoon for Red Kites Forest School, please contact the office if you or someone you know are interested in this volunteering opportunity.



The children have their roles and scripts for this years production and we hope they are able to practise their lines over the half term.

We (children and adults!) are so excited about this production. Please make sure the 16th and 17th July are firmly in the diaries for these performances.


 Here are the lyrics to the songs



Hall of Fame




What a busy term! Well done again to the year 6's for completing their SATs. 

Thank you all for your continued support. Wishing you a lovely half term.

Red Kites Team