26th Jan

On Thursday morning Red Kites took a trip to Arlington Arts Centre to watch the dance pupils from Trinity Secondary School perform their dress rehearsal. We are so very grateful to have been invited and what a great experience it was - the children came back bursting with excitement and really enjoyed watching, they were definitely inspired!
"I loved the way dance can tell a story. It was really powerful."
"The way they worked together, especially in the lifts was beautiful."
"I enjoyed watching Charlie as he did really cool jumps and spins"
"You felt alot of emotion from one dancer"
"They all looked like they were enjoying themselves"
Red Kites have been working hard on their persuasive Battle Speech as Harold Godwinson convinces his men to fight in The Battle of Hastings - we look forward to sharing our writing next week at Parents Evening - thank you to those who have signed up!
On Thursday evening, a small group of Red Kites participated in the Archery Competition at Park House. Congratulations for coming 5th and all receiving bronze medals!
Another excellent game of netball - this week the children practiced aiming and shooting at the goal and defending. Lots of fun had by all and great team spirit shared.
Please continue to read with your child each day at home and show this by signing the reading record. The children spent time today reading independently or paired together. This will have a great effect on your child's fluency and comprehension. Thank you.
Next Friday is Number Day - Don't forget to dress up!
Thank you for your continued support in your child's progress.
See you at parents evening,
Take care and have a great weekend
Red Kites Team