3rd May

This term is certainly racing by. This week I have had some really special wow moments when working with the Red Kites as I am really seeing them blossom, showing kindness and an improved awareness of others. We are having lots of fun in class with our learning as well as on the playground, playing and at Forest School.
This week Rev. Mike encouraged us to think of how we can show that we are grateful - taking a moment to think of these things is something we have been practicing as a class. I wonder if the children are able to do this when they are at home too?
Year 6
Year 6 have been working incredibly hard preparing for SATs. This week we have really focussed on technique and pace. Please encourage your child to watch the following clip, perhaps you could watch it too just so you are aware of what the SATs will look like. There are some great subject clips following this, for example Fractions, Decimals and Percentages or problem solving.
Please make sure you sign your child up for SATs week breakfast club
Year 5
Year 5 have been busy working with Mrs Wilson learning how to round decimals and understand percentages. They have been really focused and showing great independence - well done! In English, the children have been writing a newspaper report all about the Valkyries, be sure to ask them about it!
Forest School
Another great week at Forest School!
Please continue to support your child with their reading and homework. A reminder to make sure to sign your child's reading record everyday.
Today's class worship was lead by 5 members of Red Kites who designed thought provoking questions to consider how kindness makes people feel, while considering who the wisest person we know is. The prayer they wrote and shared was this
Dear God
Thank you for giving us the strength to finish the week positively. Thank you for people showing kindness. Please grant us another positive week and a restful weekend as we try to complete our goals. Amen.
Thank you!
Thank you for your continued support.
Red Kites Team