10th Jan

10 Jan 25
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Welcome back to school


Happy New Year!

We hope you have all had a wonderful break and have settled back into the swing of things over this first week of term. Thank you for the very generous gifts received, they were truly appreciated.

It has been brilliant to be back in school together as we begin Spring term. The children have returned with positivity, fun and creativity and are settling back into the routines well. Thank you for any updates from over the winter break, it is really appreciated. Please do keep in touch, it is really helpful for the school staff to support the children as best as possible.

In maths, the children have been working on equivalent fractions and learning how to simplify. Some children are realising how times tables are paramount to the learning and confidence in working with fractions. Please keep practising!

In English, we have begun our new book, making predictions and building our fluency getting to know the main characters. Why not ask the children what Michael has found in the garage? Our writing focus this term is spelling and handwriting.

Have a look at this clip about the history of language. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjY7ECyP2HA 

We have started looking at persuasive techniques and over the next few lessons we will be taking on the role of an estate agent where we will make formal language choices to persuade and sell. We looked at adverts for houses that are for sale as our model texts.

In PE we have started dance where the children were counting in beats of 8. In groups, the children created a short routine using the beats of 8 to structure their dance.

In geography we have begun looking at settlement and land use building our understanding of what settlement is. We discussed the history of settlement and have been focusing on ports in the UK this week.

This term in science we will be learning about materials. We started off thinking about solids, liquids and gases. 

Stay warm this weekend,

See you on Monday

Red Kites Team