11th October

Red Kites started the week welcoming families and the rest of the school into our Manor Residential and In school activities worship. What a great turn out, thank you for coming. It was really special for the children to be able to share their experiences. Your attendance of this worship gave the children's writing purpose and meaning.
In maths the children have been learning to represent numbers on numberlines. This lesson we had a special helper - Rev Mike came in for our maths lesson, what a pleasure it was to have him join us with our learning. In english we have been learning about verbs and pronouns which will help us when we come to sentence building ensuring we speak and write grammatically correctly. Floodland is getting excited as we carry on reading. The children's fluency is really progressing, we are so impressed. Thank you for your support with developing your child's reading skills.
Our first week of homework completion was a success. Thank you to parents and well done children.
A real highlight this week has been parents evening. Thank you to those who have attended.
On Thursday it was Mental Health Awareness Day. We took moments throughout the day to celebrate this and talk about it. We used sentence stems such as I can, I have, I am. At the end of the day we took a walk and talk around the track.
Wishing you a restful weekend and we are looking forward to our trip to The Flood Alleviation Site next week.
Take care,
Red Kites Team