13th September

Red Kites have shared their highlights of the week
"Reading more of Floodlands."
"Netball with Mr Richardson."
"Art on Monday and seeing my piece on display."
"Mrs Butchers science lesson."
Red Kites are continuing to settle in well to the school routine and expectations. There has been a great sense of community as children have shown an improved awareness of others in lessons and around school.
In Geography we have been learning to name the counties within England and in particular counties that border West Berkshire. This has helped our understanding of the setting that the novel Floodland is set.
We have been playing games to help consolidate our learning in English as we focus on the place value of punctuation and grammar, and have even attempted to use non verbal communication to do this which has been fun.
In maths we are focusing on using resources to support and help our learning in place value. We have been practising modelling how to answer reasoning questions using prompts such as - what is the same and what is different?
This week in PSHE, we have focussed on the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child and the children have enjoyed learning that they have a right to their education. From this we have all discussed and agreed what our responsibility to others is from this.
Great learning and cooperation this week Red Kites! Well done!
We have given the children opportunity to read aloud in school but please continue to follow the expectation of hearing your child read aloud daily and signing their reading record to show this. We greatly appreciate your support. We will begin weekly homework once we have returned from residential.
Please remember to hand in your medical forms on Monday 16th September.