14th Feb

14 Feb 25
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What a lovely last day of term we have had in Red Kites. The children were eager to read to the end of Skellig and what amazing reading indeed. 

We finished our First Aid Course on Monday learning how to help someone who is choking and including water safety.

On Tuesday we had a fun science investigation learning about soluble and insoluble materials. After half term, we will begin learning about electricity.

The children have worked their socks off and improved their confidence and understanding of fractions. After half term we will be looking at long multiplication and long division. 

This term we have had a big focus on spelling and handwriting and I can see the progress in the writing books. Well done for taking responsibility of your targets, Red Kites!

It has been a pleasure to meet with parents this week - thank you for your time and commitment.

Looking forward to the next half term where we have more sports events, bikeability, SATs prep, a visit from the local PCSO and much more!

Wishing you all a restful half term. Stay safe (online too),

Red Kites Team