17th January

The children have been developing their understanding of spelling through learning the morphology and etymology of words. Ask your child to name an old english, greek and latin affix!
In writing, the children are developing their 'estate agent speak' as they have been creating work banks and tool kits to help them choose formal language to persuade. Ask them to describe Falconer Road using 'estate agent speak' to you.
In maths, the children have continued to learn about equivalent fractions on a numberline. The children's confidence in converting mixed numbers to improper fractions has improved.
On Mondays we are fortunate enough to have First Aid Training. The children enjoyed their induction session and will continue these for the rest of term.
Next week we are off to Maidenhead Mosque. The children can choose to cover their knees if they so wish by wearing trousers on this day.
Thank you for your continued support,
Have a great weekend
I'll leave a piece of writing here that I really enjoyed reading from last week's free write.