19th December

We Wish You A Merry Christmas
A wonderful last week of term, full of joy and creativity. See a selection of photos from this week below. The children have rounded off their Cold War learning and we have created a visual display, do pop in to see it when you're next here! In English this week we used The Highwayman as our model text and created festive poems. Some were shared in our church service on Wednesday.
On Wednesday the class were visited by father Christmas himself, they enjoyed unwrapping their present!
Thank you so very much for the generous gifts, we are so grateful and hope you all have a great break. The new curriculum map has been sent home today, lots to look forward to in 2025.
Red Kites have made such great progress this term and we are so proud of them. Thank you for your continued support.
Take care and see you in 2025
Red Kites Team