22nd November

Great learning this week, Red Kites!
The children bring such enthusiasm to all that they do at the moment, each lesson is fun to teach and be a part of. Gymnastics this week saw the opportunity to practice forward and backward rolls and learning the correct form and position to enter a head stand. The children were supportive of each other and enjoyed the opportunity to practise.
In maths, the children have been working hard to apply their mental maths through reasoning from known facts and using the inverse to find missing numbers. We are heading into multiplication and division and times tables are the key to unlock this knowledge. Thank you for supporting your children with their confidence and recall with their times tables. Keep practising!
In English we have started exploring language from the first paragraph of The Highwayman. We are looking forward to using The Highwayman as a prompt for our reading and writing. Alongside this the children have shown good understanding of their SPaG learning with single clause sentences and it has been great to see a few pennies drop, making progress.
On Tuesday a group of Red Kites took on the alternative olympics festival - coming 2nd with a Gold medal, well done team!
On Monday we are off on the first of our two local history trips.
Thank you for the donation of books for our new book corner, some of the titles have already been swiped and eagerly read!
Please take care and stay safe in the wind this weekend.
See you on Monday