24th Oct

What a busy and wonderful 8 weeks it has been settling in to Red Kites, wow! This afternoon we reflected as a class on what we have done, learnt, progressed in and how we are proud of ourselves. It was a special circle time and what was so lovely was hearing the class reflect on how much bonding has happened over this last 8 weeks.
In English, we have finished Floodlands! The children were glued to this book and said it was full of adventure and was very intense. Perhaps we'll try another of Marcus Sedgewick's books. In writing, the children have worked hard to produce their non-chronological reports on the Great Shefford Flood Alleviation Scheme. We will publish these on the blog after half term!
In maths, we have come to the end of place value including counting through zero, ordering and comparing negative numbers and calculating negative numbers. It was great to see such fun and confident learning happening towards the end of a long term.
At the end of the day we shared the exciting updated Red Kites Roles that children can apply for after half term.
Thank you for your support this term. We are already looking forward to next term where we will be learning about The Cold War, developing our sewing skills and much more. Wishing you a safe and restful half term. Take Care.
The Red Kites Team