28th Feb

28 Feb 25
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What a beautiful atmosphere at school this afternoon. The children enjoyed their first afternoon of cricket, we saw great team work and skills while the children encouraged and celebrated each other. Mrs Chrimes then lead a wonderful afternoon of art where the children have created their final portrait pieces following on from being inspired after Number Day.

In Science this week, the children have familiarised themselves with their electricity topic going through the practical elements and vocabulary for parts of a circuit. 

In RE we began our learning about sacrifice, this resulted in an hour long class discussion where the children asked questions, challenged each other and built up their understanding. We look forward to our two sessions with Rev Mike later in the term!

In History, we have begun our Atlantic Slave Trade topic and the children are enthused. We have started reading our new book about Harriet Tubman and will continue to grow our knowledge around this topic.

The children have shown great determination in learning long multiplication and the beginnings of long division. We will continue to practice these skills as we go through the term.

Next week, World Book Day is on Thursday. We have handed the book tokens out today.

Wishing you all a restful weekend, enjoy the sunshine.

Miss Oram