31st Jan

Another busy week in Red Kites. The children have been eager to continue reading our class text 'Skellig'. They have been building their confidence reading around punctuation and really reading with expression to match the character's feelings and the poignancy of language from the narrator. Today the children showed excellent progress during snake reading, great accuracy and support of each other's reading. Well done.
In maths, the children have worked hard towards developing their skills and knowledge of working with fractions, comparing and ordering and adding. Well done for the showing great resilience here. The children's mental maths and times tables is improving here, keep practising.
In first aid, the children learnt to bandage and sling! Next week, we will be learning about epi-pen and allergies.
Science saw us investigate thermal insulation. Ask your child what Enquiry Question they investigated.
In PSHE, the children started thinking about happiness. They were tasked with working out what contributes to happiness, next week we will be exploring the concept of money = happiness. Some children agreed with this statement, other children chose family.
Thank you for your continued support, in line with our school ethos.
Apologies for the lack of photos this week, due to technical difficulties we are unable to share them.
Take care.