6th September

Welcome back!
We have been so excited to welcome the children back to school for a fresh start this this week! We hope you are all well and have had a good break.
The children have returned with positive attitudes and an eagerness to get stuck into their learning and embrace school life.
Introducing the new Christian Values and Behaviour for Learning policy has been a big part of our back to school regime this week and the children in Red Kites have contributed their ideas and shown respect towards this change in school.
In reading, we have been making excellent predictions based on the front cover and first paragraph of our class text, Floodland by Marcus Sedgewick.
In writing, we have used an image of a rope bridge to inspire our writing. What an excellent group of writers we have this year - I am looking forward to securing the children's understanding of the place value of punctuation and grammar before setting off on our Talk for Writing units.
In maths, the children have enjoyed recognising, understanding and using the Roman Numeral system. We have used anchor facts to support our learning and will keep practising.
In Geography, we will be comparing Shropshire to Berkshire and this week have been exploring the key vocabulary including region, county and topography.
We will begin our preparations for Manor Residential next week. Please make sure you have returned paperwork and if you have any extra questions, please let me know so we can catch up.
We ask families to support their children to meet the expectation of daily reading at home, including signing the reading records.
As always, keep in touch.