7th Feb

A brilliant week starting with first aid session where the children learnt how to help someone with an allergy. The children learnt to use an epipen. Next week will be their final session which will run for a full afternoon.
We joined in the live children's mental health assembly. 'know yourself, grow yourself'. The children enjoyed being a part of this and some have commented on how it has helped them with strategies of how to look after themselves.
This week in writing, the children have been learning how to use figurative language. On Thursday with Ms Munday, the children showcased their writing skills where they chose a free write as their focus. We really enjoyed hearing the children share their writing. Well done! The children have enjoyed the introduction of bubble writing where formation and cursive handwriting is encouraged.
Number day was a highlight this week as we participated in an arithmetic scavenger hunt! The children's mental maths skills were challenge and there was lots of enjoyment working the answers out under pressure. We followed this with some card games and ended the day on number art.
Congratulations to the team who represented the CSF schools at the cup stacking event. Well done!
Thank you for your continued support,
Take care,
Red Kites Team