8th November

Welcome back to school after half term. We hope the break offered an opportunity for rest and fun times. It is so lovely to be back in school together again.
This term our Christian Value is Compassion. Compassion means we care about others, treat them with kindness, and feel a strong desire to help people in need. Compassion is empathy in action. Some children have thought carefully about this and we have even seen some empathy in action from our wonderful Red Kites.
The children have settled back in well and have been excitedly preparing their speeches for their new roles as house captains, well-being champions and vision leaders. The badges have arrived and we are looking forward to hearing the speeches on Tuesday. Please support your children to prepare and practise their speech in order to feel confident.
In reading, we have focused on a range of persuasive texts and have been looking closely at unfamiliar vocabulary and strategies we can use to help us including highlighting or underline, reading around the word or breaking the word up and looking at the morphology of the word to help understand.
In maths, the children have been developing mental maths strategies which has aided their addition skills. We have used sentence stems to help us link numbers and understand that if we recognise patterns and relationships with numbers, this will help us as we develop our skills.
In French, the children practised using a dictionary to look animals up in French and English. Red Kites were really engaged in this activity and enjoyed learning new animals. Ask them what a worm is!
In PE this term, football is the focus with our MNR coach on a Friday and gymnastics on a Wednesday. We know the children will support each other with their skills.
The children have shown great interest in learning about The Cold War and are excited about our trips out this term to explore the history within our local area. Some children have even brought books in!
We have explored and begun a daily journaling session in Red Kites. Wow, the children have taken to it so well. They have reflected on how it is a nice calm and quiet session in the class where they can write down or draw their thoughts.
The children were lucky enough to receive a hand made poppy this week, made by Mrs Bell and Mrs Kimber. Please encourage your child to look after their poppy and remind them to wear it on Monday where we will have our Remembrance Service.
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Miss O and Red Kites Team
PS thank you for the messages of congratulations!