Culmington Manor residential week

23 Sep 24
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Culmington Manor Residential week updates...


Day 1

Monday 23rd September 2024

After a very wet journey we’ve arrived!

Aaaaand... it’s not raining!

The children are all settled in to their dorms after a health and safety check and walk around site to familiarise themselves and get to know the place.

Year 6’s are being great role models and helping the year 5s. It’s wonderful to see.

We’re straight into our first activity - high ropes and orienteering before dinner.

The instructors are brilliant and matching the children’s energy!

We’re so excited for this trip!

Day 2

Tuesday 24th September 2024

A message from Miss Oram,

"Geography fieldwork complete!

We are so proud of each child who completed this activity, it challenged and tested us all and together we got there! Everyone showed great resilience and perserverence on this amazing hill walk".

"High ropes, so impressive and such fun!

Bravery determination and team work were in the limelight here.

Well done Reverend Mike who completed the challenge too!

The children showed him guidance and compassion whilst encouraging him on his adventure".

Day 3

Wednesday 25th September



Day 4

Thursday 26th September 

Miss Oram's message,

"Morning all, we’re full of beans and ready for today’s adventure. Kicking off with the blind trail where we’ll put our communication and trust to the test! This afternoon we are ready for canoe and kayak with our favourite instructor who the children have named MOUNTAIN!!! Reverend Mike is keen for a splash about too!

We are immensely proud of the children who are doing so well and having such fun.

Wish us luck for the pack down later tonight!"

Final night and Day 5

The rain came in heavy for our final evening but this did not dampen our spirits! The low ropes allowed the children the opportunity to work in teams and spot for each other while balancing and challenging themselves. After that, we surprised the children with a party in the dome where we reflected on our time together in between singing and dancing with treats and snacks! It was a really special night where we all came together and celebrated the incredible efforts over the past week and shared how thankful we were for this amazing opportunity.

Friday morning saw the final pack where the children helped each other to organise their belongings and pack down their rooms. Again, great team spirit was shown here where children helped each other and took great responsibility for ensuring they had tidied and gathered their belongings.

Once again we headed down to the lake ready for our rafting challenge. The children planned out their raft, learnt new knot tying skills, and built on their strength as they connected poles and barrels together with rope. It was a full team task and the instructors and teacher's challenged each child to make sure they had had a go at tying a knot, collecting resources, and when needed packing down. A group of children chose to ride the raft, and even jump in! It was exhilarating and such fun.

We then had our final lunch and began our farewells to the amazing instructors. We shared our thanks by passing over a card that each child signed and wrote their own special note and a couple of bars of chocolate. Our favourite instructor MOUNTAIN AKA Kial kindly came to wave us off, there were tears of sadness leaving after a wonderful time, smiles of joy and alot of pride. 


A big thanks to the instructors and staff at Culmington Manor for going above and beyond for us as a group.


An enormous special thanks to Mrs Wilson and Reverend Mike - what fun we have had.


Thank you grown ups at home and staff at school!

We are incredibly proud of each child who has challenged themselves this week, whether that be staying away from home, getting ready and being on time for an activity, or battling a fear or heights, highs and lows - they've given it a go and had a great time. It has been a pleasure to be in the company of these children and as I reflected on the final lunch, I looked around and smiled. They're a special group. Together, we have shown respect, kindness, help, while having a barrel of laughs. It's been amazing!


We look forward to inviting parents and carers in to attend our special Manor Residential Worship which we hope to hold next week, where we can share our experiences. We will confirm this next week. 


For now, rest, wash and smile!


Take care,


Miss Oram