Red Kites Blog
Red Kites Roles
Well done to Red Kites for all of your hard work, care and enthusiasm this week as you presented your persuasive speeches to the school. Congratulations to our new vision leaders, well-being champions and house captains.
The children have worked hard on their assessments this week, showing positive open attitudes and great learning strategies to work through unfamiliar tasks. We are looking forward to continuing to develop our arithmetic and comprehension skills which will contribute to the children feeling confident when completing assessments.
This week it became apparent how important times tables skills are, we urge you to support your children in knowing their times tables off by heart! This knowledge will unlock learning and build confidence. Thank you!
In science the children have been looking at life processes and the difference between animals and plants. Ask your child which process they think is the most different and see what they say!
Red Kites have been so excited to start gymnastics with Anita. They had a great session familiarising themselves with holds and positions. Some of the children were suprised at how their bodies felt following the session, while the stretching part is so important it is normal to feel a bit achey after we have used parts of our body and we will build strength!
All in all, a lovely week altogether. A wonderful moment at break time earlier in the week was when almost everyone in the class started playing in the leaves. It was a special moment!
Take care this weekend.
Red Kites Team
It has been a busy busy week in Red Kites, we really are taking those opportunities to live life in all of its fullness.
On Monday we had our first practical First Aid session where we learnt to help someone who is injured by putting them in the recovery position. We also had the opportunity to practise CPR on mannekins.
On Tuesday a team from Red Kites represented CSF schools at a netball tournament at Park House. Congratulations to the players.
On Wednesday Red Kites visited Maidenhead Mosque. It was an amazing learning opportunity to develop and broaden the minds of this group of children. The children enjoyed learning everything in the mosque and the pillars of Islam. They did well on their end of visit quiz and enjoyed a kitkat bar!
And finally, on Thursday the children were fortunate to attend a breakfast workshop delivered by Newbury Showground Alliance. The children enjoyed learning about the nutrients of milk, the importance of having breakfast, and they even planted their own cereal seeds!
Well done to those children who continue to make positive choices and embrace the learning and support at school. Have a restful weekend.
Culmington Manor residential week
23 Sep 24Culmington Manor Residential week updates...
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20th September
20 Sep 24A successful week as we head towards a weekend of packing and preparing for residential!
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13th September
13 Sep 24Red Kites have shared their highlights of the week "Reading more of Floodlands." "Netball with Mr Richardson." "Art on Monday and seeing my piece on display." "Mrs Butchers science lesson." "Maths!" Red Kites are continuing to settle in well to the school routine and expectations.
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6th September
6 Sep 24Welcome back!
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Welcome back to the new school year!
5 Sep 24
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- 7th 7th Feb
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- 6th 6th December
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- 4th 4th Oct
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- 13th 13th September
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