This week was a hot one!

As the days passed this week, the temperature got hotter and hotter and hotter - and with the hotter temperatures our bodies got hotter and hotter and hotter, therefore it is really important that the Robins start bringing a sun hat to school everyday, it will be very much used during outdoor learning and playtimes and of course on our glorious welly walks!

This week, before we begin, we would like to put out a plea.....

Do you have any time to spare????? We are looking for volunteer adults to support with listening to children read (right across the school) and for volunteer helpers to support with Forest School, particularly on a Tuesday afternoon. If this is something you feel you are able to support please do get in touch - your support is most appreciated.


This week's learning

Do you remember how we started the page last week - the invisible writing on the board....well we have gone from this....

to this.......

Our tadpoles are growing bigger by the day, our sunflowers have also started to sprout and we even had a snail join our outdoor learning this week.

In Robins, we love stories, diving into a quality book is something that brings us all together, we all share the love of books, from voting for which story we read each day to of course our wonderful Mystery Readers (thank you Isla's Mum for being the Mystery Reader this week) and also to sharing books during our library sessions. Have you ever wondered how we share our library time on a Thursday - it's a time where we read stories, recommend books, extend our vocabulary and just have a really lovely time exploring picture books - take a look at the snapshot below, I think it gives you a real flavour of the love of sharing a book with friends.

Our focus in Maths this week has been quick recall of addition. We have been using the game - Shut the Box to support our learning. By Friday, myself and Mrs Langford were so impressed at how quick the recall had become. Fantastic!

And finally, we finished off the week with a welly walk.

(I overheard a good 20 minute retell of The Enormous Turnip...."so they pulled and they pulled but the turnip did not budge. Next they asked the zebra / camel/ donkey/ cat. dog, cow,"etc etc - I think just about every animal was named!!!!!!)

Have a wonderful weekend and see you all next week.