Week 2 Term 6

14 Jun 24

Despite the weather continuing to stay rather chilly for the start of Summer we certainly didn't let that slow us down this week as we started the week with our new Talk for Writing book 'Dear Zoo'! The children loved exploring our new puzzle, putting the puzzle pieces in order to retell the story and enjoying opening the flaps to see which animal the Zoo had sent! 

As we continued to learn the story we also moved on to drawing our story map and made a great start! Robins thought really carefully about which pictures we could draw for each part of the story to help them remember the story and began using it to recall the events. We can't wait to finish our story map next week!

Look at who came to visit us before we went to Forest school this week! 

Oh hello again, look who came to Forest school with us!

In Forest school this week we learnt how to tie a knot using stick to help us. We all showed good co-ordination skills and demonstrated excellent perseverance! What a great skill to learn Robins!

As the week continued we began exploring subtraction in Maths, using cubes on Monday to practice subtraction within 10 and writing down how many were left on their whiteboard. We reinforced subtraction as taking away and the children were soon able to verbalise what they had done. 

On Tuesday we introduced the tens frames to the children and used our Dear Zoo animals to help us with some subtraction problems. In pairs the children watched how many animals were put into the crate, placing magnetic counters on their tens frame and then counted as we took animals out of the crate- How many did we subtract? The children then subtracted the same amount of counters- 1,2,3 show me your boards! How many animals are left in the crate? Robins were fantastic with their subtracting skills! Why not practice at home?

In the rainforest this week Robins have really enjoyed creating pictures using our wooden shapes, we even had a particularly boat themed pictures from a collection of red boats, to a yellow ship flying a blue flag! It was lovely to see how the children took their time and problem solved to ensure that they selected the best shapes that would fit in place to create the their desired effect, what a great job they've done!

On Wednesday, after we had had so much fun in Pantomimus with Danielle, we welcomed this week's Mystery Reader - Aster's Grandad. He told us he was feeling a little apprehensive before he came in - not really knowing what to expect. We soon put him at ease and he in turn treated us to three books! Turns out they were three very very special books, close to his heart. They were the exact books that he read to his three children when they were small and now he was reading and sharing them with us. At this point, myself and Mrs Langford were filling up with tears and then when Mrs Chrimes recalled how much she looked forward to her Dad reading these stories to her as a child and telling us all about the fond memories, I think me and Mrs Langford had completely lost control of our emotions and the tears were well and truely flowing! Just goes to show the power of a good book! 



And we finished our week off with another transition session with Kingfishers and guess who came to join us again?????

Have a wonderful weekend (especially all the Dad's - enjoy Sunday) and see you all next week.