First full week

What an amazing first full week at school Robins have had!

Little by little they are being introduced to new routines that will soon be part of their everyday experiences at school. 

Before we jump into the week, please can we ask that you check your children's jumpers - Teddy could not find his at the end of the day - it is labelled so we have no doubt it will soon find its way home - unless of course it has already!

 Right, lets get back to our learning this week. 

From the moment they came in fresh on Monday morning Robins children were ready to take on whatever activity we had ready for them, from threading to cutting to loom bands, no activity fazed them!

Cooking in the Rainforest Area

Robins have loved exploring the Rainforest area this week, spending time making meals for each other in the home corner and then sharing them together at the table! The soup was particularly delicious with mushrooms, pickles, strawberries, peas and tomatoes, of course all typical of vegetable soup, or so I was told!

Getting creative

When we weren't cooking up a storm in the home corner, Robins loved creating their own models using the junk modelling, they showed superb imaginative skills, turning bottles into rockets, boxes into chests for Mums to use to holds their precious items and cereal boxes into to bags for Dads!

                                Making a shopping bag for Dad!

                                 "Look at my rocket, zoom!"

As the week progressed Robins enjoyed imaginative play with the wild animals, from whales to dinosaurs, eagles to otters, they created storylines and even created a tower of dinosaurs that appeared to be eating each other! As the children played alongside each other, it was lovely to see how well they shared the toys, playing together and bouncing ideas off each other to elaborate their storylines! We particularly loved the race that was created, look how many animals were running against each other!

Time in the Rainforest area also gave us a chance to experience mark making in difference ways, from forming marks on a whiteboard to creating our own postcards, we loved giving each and every activity a go!

Also this week Robin's visiting our library for the first time, they discussed the key features of a book and got the chance to explore the different books within the library, finishing their session with a story in class. Monday will be our library day and next Monday the Robins will visit the library again and this time they will be able to bring their book home for the week. It will be a book of their choosing, they will no doubt have their reason for their choice and they will be looking forward to you reading and sharing the book woth them - let us know how it goes!

PE in Robins

As we reached the end of Tuesday, Robins got themselves ready for their first PE session. It took them less than 15 minutes to get undressed and re dressed - they were ready!Within PE this week we explored warming up and getting used to the routines of a PE lesson and then practiced some balancing games using a beanbag. As they raced across the hall, using a tennis racket at first and then using their head to balance the beanbag, it was lovely to see how supportive they all were of each other and how well they all listened to the instructions.

What a great first PE lesson, we can't wait to do PE every Tuesday afternoon!


This week Robin's have been exploring sorting and comparing in Maths and have really enjoyed the practical activities that they have taken part in. On Monday they matched objects together and became detectives when working out the odd one out and then enjoyed playing a game of animal snap on Tuesday, what a great start to the week!

We have also introduced the children to 'milk time', they all sit around the table (this is a great opportunity to sit and talk to a friend, perhaps someone you don't know very well....yet) and the 'helper' serves the milk and chooses a friend to serve the water - they are also responsible for the washing up afterwards! 

And finally for this week, the children were introduced to 'an oldie but goodie' - The Feeling Flowers - we have used these for years and we still get children in Year 6 telling us they still have their feeling flowers at home.

Each child has their photo on a flower which they place in a pot each morning to let us know how they are feeling. They quite often change their feelings throughout the day too- we always feel saddened when children tell us they are feeling sad, but when they tell us its because they miss Mummy and Daddy then of course we understand!


Have a wonderful weekend and see you all on Monday (don't forget the Back to School BBQ on Friday after school too)