Hello - you found us
Huge welcome to you all - children, parents, grandparents and friends.
What a fantastic start to what we know is going to be a great year. Children (and you as parents) have arrived with smiles and enthusiasm (even in that rain this morning!!!!) and have just been delightful - we can't wait to see how the year unfolds.
For those of you who are new to our pages, we hope you find them useful and informative. Over the course of the year, we will use these pages to let you know about the learning that takes place in the classroom each week and hope that you use these pages to have discussions with your chldren about their learning - I am sure lots of you have had the following conversation already…..“what did you do in school today - nothing, who did you play with - nobody, what did you have for lunch - nothing”. Well, by reading these pages we are confident that you will see that a lot of learning takes place, lots of social interaction takes place and also a lot of fun!
So what did we do this week.......
Already our 'special helper' list is up and we have had three fantatic helpers this week, they have been able to collect and return the register from the office and learn everybody's name as they have had to ask children to line up several times throughout the day!
All children have had to organise their own belongings and hang things up on their peg, recognise their name when picking up their water bottle, find their own book bag, again recognising their name, being responsible for taking out the message book and putting it in the basket, ordering their lunch and settling down to a fine motor activity - all of this before 9.00!
Most of our days have been spent 'choosing an activity', we call this 'free flow', children are free to wander around the classroom simply exploring the environment, with quality time for playing and interacing with others, making new friends and understanding a little more about the day to day of school life. We have attended a whole school worship, where Ms Munday, the Headteacher, introduced us to our Chritian Value this term - Community, and of course we all met Rascal the dog who wandered in and out of the classroom several times. We hope you enjoy just a few photos that were taken this week.
Next week, we will introduce more routines into our day, little by little.
Have a wonderful wekend and see you all next week.