Term 3 Mental Health Week & Number Day!
This week across the school we all joined in and acknowledged Children's Mental Health Week, which centered around the theme 'Know yourself, grow yourself' and this week in our collective worship we partnered with the Inside Out 2 characters and thought carefully about what each feeling meant!
Robins absolutely love taking part in our daily mindfulness activities, from mindful bubbles to rainbow breaths, belly breathing to our favourite activity - the body scanner, all lead by The Mindfulness Teacher online, we love it! We also enjoyed taking part in a Danny Go to warm our bodies up and get them ready for the day!
This week in Maths we have been continuing to develop our subitising skills, moving away from dots in a line and arrangements of 2, to a focus on standard dice arrangements. For larger quantities, Robins have been learning to quickly notice sub-groups within these larger numbers! Why not have a go at some of the arrangements below?
Now try the next one.....
How many can you see now?
Let's try one more......
We then used our subitising skills to play a game of 'Guess who?' and tried to work out which Numberblock was hiding! Robins even had a go at writing the corresponding numeral next to the Numberblock...great work Robins!
Our Dear Zoo adventure this week took us almost to the end of the story - but wait what perfect pet had the zoo sent us?
A puppy of course and he was perfect! Robins worked hard to write their own sentences, saying the sentence together, before using the tricky word sheet and phonics mat to help them with their writing!
It was now INNOVATION time and we couldn't wait! The ideas of animals that we wouldn't want from a zoo or farm starting overflowing, from a black panther to tiger, crocodile to eagle, cow to goat, the ideas were endless and what was even more fantastic was that we could give reasons why!
"The crocodile was too snappy!"
"The cow was too messy!"
"The eel was too electric!"
"The parrot was too pecky!"
As our imaginations ran as wild as the animals we loved creating our own stories and then making sure that we included a perfect pet for the end of our story, from cats to bunny rabbits, we had so many ideas!
Exercise is extremely important for both children and adult mental health and to promote this to the children we were delighted to be able to offer a Dance workshop run by Stephanie our afterschool Dance teacher from MF Dance!
From the moment the children entered the hall Stephanie had them captivated and ready to get moving to the beat! They took their dance pledge and soon we were warming up our bodies, stretching, bending and getting ready to go go go!
It was then time for a warm up game....as the hoops came out we knew we were going to have fun! We had already been practicing a lot of these skills in our PE lessons so we were ready but as Stephanie took the hoops away we had to work as a team to fit inside, it was definitely a tight squeeze!
Then as the Madagascar music started to play we knew it was time to put the dance moves we had learnt into action...let's hit it Robins!
We had so much fun with and as we went dancing down the corridor we all said the same thing....
"We want to do that again!"
We finished off the week with a fun packed Number Day. We played card games, dice games, drew Numberblocks, wrote numbers and generally spent the whole day immersed in MATHS!
One more full week before half term - lets make it a good one with lots of fun and lots of learning.
Have a great weekend and see you all next week.