Term 3- Safer Internet Awareness

14 Feb 25

Thank you to everyone for coming along to the parent's evening appointments this week, it's always so lovely being able to share with you the learning and progress that your child has made. We will scoop up the last remaining appointments after half term.

This week.....

We couldn't quite believe that we had reached the final week of Term 3, it was only one more week to go before half term but Robins still had plenty more energy left in them!

On Monday we started the week diving back into Dear Zoo and picked up right where we left off last week and began by discussing our own story plans. We talked through our plans, looking at which animal we each decided the zoo sent us first, talked through our sentences and then wrote our sentences down. 

Robins are working really hard to use their sound mats and tricky words to support them within their writing, becoming increasingly confident as the weeks go on to say their sentence first and then write them, remembering their capital letter, finger spaces and full stop!

Within Maths this week Robins have been developing the purpose of counting and rehearing the ordering of numbers 1-5, understanding that the position each number holds in our number sequence doesn't change. We also enjoyed matching the Numberblocks to their missing Numberlings!

We spent time discovering that each number has a value of 1 more than the previous number and built steps using numbers 1-5, just look at how we did!

In RE this week we talked about 'belonging' and what this word meant to us. 

"Where do you belong?"

After some discussion Robins shared their ideas.....

"In my house in Hungerford"                   "In Great Shefford"                          "With my Mum, Dad and Brother"

                    "With my family"                              "In my home"                            "With my sister and Mummy and Daddy"

It was lovely to hear all of Robins sharing their ideas of what they believed it meant to 'belong' with all of their ideas centered around their family and home!

Mrs Brown and Mrs Langford then shared a picture of their family and talked to Robins about how they agreed with them about how belonging can mean belonging to your family, it can also mean belonging to a religion and we talked about how at our school we talk about Christianity but there are lots of different religions.

We also talked about belonging to special groups and we found out just how many we all belong to, including belonging to Robins itself! Have a look at the groups below, how many can you remember that you belong to?


Just look at the pictures we then created of our families to celebrate one of the places we belong!

On Tuesday we celebrated Safer Internet Awareness both in class and within our Houses, meeting first within assembly and then creating posters to raise awareness of how to keep safe on the internet.

In class we read the story of Chicken Clicking, a chicken who goes shopping online for her farm and whilst shopping meets a friend! However she soon learns that not all is what it seems and learns that you should never meet people that you have talked to online, we learnt the importance of being SMART online!

As parents, you can find further information on how to support your child being safe on line on our school website, in the Online Safety section - click on the link below.


Just look at how much fun we had creating posters in our House meetings to put around the school advertising the importance of staying online!

On Wednesday, before heading into our Pantomimus session with Danielle, we got stuck into our Art session, colour mixing, blue + red = purple. So that's it - we have explored colour mixing with all three primary colours and have enjoyed creating our varying shades of secondary colours. Next term, the powder paints will be part of our continous provision which means the equipment will be available to the children to use whenever they wish - we will be watching closely to make sure they use the skills they have learnt in the Art sessions!

And finally, it was the end of the week and the end of the term, but there was more to come - yes it was Movie Night which meant only one thing....Pyjama Day and all the excitement that comes with wearing pyjamas to school (it turned out to be a very long day.....but we made it).

Huge thank you to the PTFA for organising a great evening!


And finally finally...have a fantastic half term, keep up with the reading as you're all doing so well, keep looking for those digraphs and trigraphs in words, particularly the ones we find most tricky - er, ur, ar, air, ear, ure.

Also, we know how much the children are enjoying seing themselves as 'writers' so, if you find yourself (this is for you parents), needing just 5 minutes peace and quiet......feel free to encourage some 'fast writing' over the half term, open up the reading book and just let them copy the words, encourage finger spaces, full stops and cursive writing, they know what to do, they will impress you! (we have even popped a writing book in the book bags for those of you who want to try it - but this is NOT homework, it's just a little extra activity should you need it on a rainly day).

See you all again on February 24th - enjoy the half term break.