The week it started to snow!

As we opened the doors to Robins on Monday we could barely believe our eyes, down from the sky snowflakes were softly floating and as more of us excitedly rushed in, "Mrs Brown, it's snowing, it's snowing!", the snow began to fall heavier and heavier! To truly enjoy the wintery scene outside we pulled back the blinds and settled in to our morning activities, chatting excitedly about the winter wonderland scene outside and how we couldn't wait to see if got thicker! 

Despite our dreams of snow angels and snowmen it was simply too wet on the floor to settle but that certainly didn't dampen our spirits and we were just happy to watch it fall gently to the ground. We enjoyed a morning filled with frosty fine motor fun activities, from snowflakes to penguins!

In Robins we've been making super progress with our fine motor skills, transferring what we have been practicing during our morning activities to our free flow activities! Don't forget to keep practicing your letter formation at home each week with your two new letters, all that practice is really showing!


                      "I have more than .... because 8 is more than 3"

In Maths this week we have been comparing the number of two objects in 2 sets, we reinforced the language 'more than', 'fewer than' and 'an equal number' to describe how many objects there were. Why not have a go at home by playing with a partner and collecting up to 10 objects around the house and then comparing how many of each of you have? Remember to practice using the language we have been using!

We even took our learning into our free flow and created sets of animals, comparing our own sets to the sets that our friends created and worked out who had more! On this occasion there were more tigers.!

As we continued to explore Maths through play, we practiced our number recognition and our 1:1 correspondence, counting out the correct number of cubes to match the number on each of the ladybirds. It was a little bit tricky at first because we had to make sure we counted slowly but we loved this activity! At home, you could try counting out the cutlery as you set the table for dinner or go on a number hunt, how many numbers can you spot as you make your way into school?


We enjoyed creating different sets of objects and getting our partner to compare their set to ours!


This week was our final week of The Little Red Hen and we certainly finished it off in style with a wonderful performance! We can't wait to start our new Talk for Writing story next week......The Nativity!!!!

As we neared the end of Tuesday it was time for us to warm ourselves up after a rather frosty day, so we made our way to the hall and got ready for PE!! This week it was all about co-ordination and working together and we loved every minute of it! 

Robins were delighted when they saw the balls appear and as we all got into a circle we began playing a game where their concentration was tested. As they said a name and rolled the ball, they had to make sure they were not only listening but also focusing on where they were aiming the ball! With only a few balls going out of the circle we soon all had a turn and it was time for us to break off into small groups to have a go!

It was lovely to see all of Robins working so well together as a team and encouraging each other even if one of them found it more difficult, we certainly saw both of our Christian values community and compassion during our PE this week!

It was then time to challenge Robins and move onto catching! Once we had talked through and modelled the skills, Robins were soon not only throwing balls but also successfully catching them! At first they started close to each other but they were soon setting their own challenges, moving slightly further away and counting how many they could count in a row, what superstars!

On Wednesday (whizz by Wednesday) - we were in gymnastics (bending like elastic!). We started with our familiar stretches, tuck, pike, straddle and then we were trying our very best to master and perfect our forward roll - the photos below show the different stages we went through.

In Show and Tell this week, we heard all about football training and were even allowed to try on the golden medal and we also heard about two favourite toys and a cuddly cat! The children really do engage with Show and Tell so thank you for supporting this at home.

Finally, there are lots of 'other' things going on in the classroom right now - we don't want to spoil any surprises yet other than to say the costumes have started to come out of storage, auditions are being held, parts are being allocated, perhaps there will be a Mary, a Joseph, three Kings ....that's all we can say at the moment! Watch this space!


Finally finally, your child now has a new set of sounds and tricky words in their book bag. They are yellow and they are the phase 3 sounds. There is no need to race ahead and learn all the sounds as in Robins we will be learning Phase 3 between now and April. Phase 3 takes a long time to embedd and we will guide you through the sounds each week so that we don't overload the children's learning - remember, slow and stead wins the race!

Last week's learning – j,v,w,x,y

This week's learning – z,zz,qu,ch,sh

Next week - we will revisit all the above sounds - learning how to say the sound, read the sound in a word and new learning will be to write the sound, on it's own and in a word.

Have a fabulous family filled weekend - I have my Mum visiting this weekend so looking forward to seeing her!

See you all next week.